Flexible or flex
Great decisions are informed decisions. Success is having a plan. Planned and informed decisions, build upon solid benchmarking, thorough feasibility analysis, and alternative investment modelling. For you energy efficiency is comfort, quality, environment conscious, dollars, and cents.
While the best plans are built and executed in a wholistic and streamlined fashion from design to occupancy (flex those muscles!) - we have the flexibility to jump in at any point based on your needs. For single projects or the entire business. For sale or to rent.
A Process
We offer turnkey (dive in) and modular solutions (dip your toe in).
Define current state of the business offering and processes. Solidify goals and objectives.
Know where you are right now and how far you can go. Model and analyze alternative pathways. Alternative construction methods.
Key indicators: return on investment, cash flow changes, emissions reductions, comfort risk, air quality, energy consumption & generation, energy micro-security, competitive offering, price per square foot, reputation, alternative RFQs, current utility pricing and trends, warranties, permit compliance.
Determine the new baseline offering. Develop customer value offers. Assess and assign risk. Energy-As-A-Service.
Develop new specifications. Allocate financing, grants, and incentives. Define roles and responsibilities. Integrate the schedules. Revise and expand purchase order details.
Capacity building. Quality assurance & diagnostics mid-construction. Vendor orientation.
Celebrate & Reflect
New owner orientation. Financial audit. Interviews & surveys. EnergyStar, EnerGuide, NetZero labelling.
Measure & Verify
Current weather and price change adjustments. Energy monitoring. Occupant surveys.
Ready to bring your vision to life?
Let's collaborate to create innovative solutions that stand out in the new home landscape. Reach out today and let's build something extraordinary together.